“host not found (authoritative)”错误是一个DNS解析错误,表明客户端尝试解析一个主机名时,权威DNS服务器返回了一个明确的否定响应,即该主机名在DNS数据库中不存在。这通常意味着客户端请求的主机名无法被DNS系统解析到对应的IP地址。 2. 常见原因 主机名输入错误:用户可能输入了错误的主机名,或者主机名已经被更...
the server.However, I can't send him a request to the URLhttp://localhost:8080, but in response, the console outputs: Error: resolve: Host not found (authoritative) The code is written based on:https://github.com/boostorg/beast/blob/develop/example/http/client/sync/http_client_sync.cpp...
In case of embedded Linux systems there are a lot of different ways how such things as DNS resolving done, what software is used for it and where its config files located. please check if you have cat /etc/resolv.conf file, if not, just create it with content: nameserver names...
一觉醒来发现正在下载/做种的所有torrent的tracker信息部分都显示:Host Not Found (non-authoritative)最初以为是站点的问题,后来发现鄙人所有有账号的站点下载都会出现问题。同时Transmission下下载相同种子也会提示could not connect to tracker等字样。后到办公室用笔记本下载相同站点的相同种子,则能够正常下载上传。由上述...
1. 找不到主机 OSChina代码查看:wget-1.9/po/zh... ... "done. " 完成。 " "Host not found"找不到主机" "Unknown error" 未知的错误" ... www.oschina.net|基于5个网页 2. 没有找到主机 Host... ... Use Host Application Tags 使用主应用程序标记host not found没有找到主机Hosts allow 允许...
网络一个授权应答主机 网络释义 1. 一个授权应答主机 到一个授权应答主机(Authoritative Answer Host)。11 0 0 2 —W S AT RY _ A G A I N 非授权主机没有找到。 baike.baidu.com|基于17个网页
2020-04-02 12:12:09.312798|INFO |ServerMain | |Received signal SIGTERM, shutting down. 2020-04-02 12:12:09.469183|ERROR |Accounting | |Error contacting server https://accounting2.teamspeak.com: RESOLVE_ER…
Host sxjy.com.sxjy.com not found: 9(NOTAUTH); Transfer failed.怎么会⽆法响应呢?这样的响应是因为管理 vbird.org 领域的 DNS 并不许我们的领域查询,毕竟我们不是 vbird.org 的系统管理员,当然没有权限可以读取整个vbird.org 的领域设定啰!这个『 host -l 』是⽤在⾃⼰的 DNS 服务器上,本章...