Kubernetes提供了很多扩展点,通过CNI网络插件可以支持不同的网络设施,大大提供了系统的灵活性,目前也已成为容器网络领域的标准。 Kubernetes与CNI的交互逻辑如下: Kubelet监听到Pod调度到当前节点后,通过rpc调用CRI(containerd, cri-o等),CRI创建Sandbox容器,初始化Cgroup与Namespace,然后再调用CNI插件分配IP,最后完成容器...
统一限制pod的安全相关特性 PodSecurityPolicy PodSecurityPolicy在kubernetes中简称为psp,主要定义了用户能否在pod中使用各种安全相关的特性。 当有人调用api server创建pod时,PodSecurityPolicy会拿到这个pod的信息与自己个规则做比较。如果符合规则,就运行其存入etcd;否则会被拒绝。 因为是在创建pod时校验的,所以修改psp,...
以下实验了Kubernetes-HOST网络模式,并给出了一些运维建议。 1、Pod的网络 每个Pod都会默认启动一个...
}etcd:local:dataDir:/var/lib/etcdimageRepository:harbor01.k8s.local/kuberneteskind:ClusterConfigurationkubernetesVersion:1.23.5networking:dnsDomain:cluster.localpodSubnet:{ } 使用修改后的配置文件进行初始化 [root@master01 ~]# kubeadm init --config /roo...
However, resolving this error requires a good understanding of Kubernetes networking. We maintain application uptime and ensure reliable access for users when we address these issues quickly. In this tutorial, we’ll explore common causes of this error and walk through practical solutions to fix it...
Now I need to get the same result under kubernetes: So as I understand, I have to run my pods with 'hostNetwork: true' but the pods do not get into ready state and doing 'kubectl get events' says: 'Error syncing pod, skipping: pod with UID specified host networking, but ...
Flannel HOST-GW 模式 一、环境信息 主机 IP ubuntu 软件 版本 docker 26.1.4 helm v3.15.0-rc.2 kind 0.18.0 clab 0.54.2 kubernetes 1.23.4 ubuntu os Ubuntu
首先从 kubernetes 的官方发现以下描述: The CNI networking plugin supports hostPort. You can use the official portmap plugin offered by the CNI plugin team or use your own plugin with portMapping functionality. If you want to enable hostPort support, you must specify portMappings capability in yo...
From #1288 it looks like kubernetes supports starting containers in privileged mode. However I couldn't find any info in either the docs or kubectl run-container -h on how to actually run a container with privileged mode enabled. Additio...
首先从kubernetes的官方发现以下描述: The CNI networking plugin supportshostPort. You can use the officialportmap[1]plugin offered by the CNI plugin team or use your own plugin with portMapping functionality. If you want to enablehostPortsupport, you must specifyportMappings capabilityin yourcni-con...