0 which and sub and DNS and then i went to PC0 to web browser i typed www.osi.local and the click then on my packer tracer i clicked on capture and forward button but it doesnt show anything on Simulation panel - plus shows HOST NAME UNRESOLVED...
I configured everything thoroughly well and i can the ping the server as well but i can't reach the addresses which are configured in DNS Server,i get an error that Host Name Unresolved,let me attach the .pkt file.Thanks in advance.(I couldn't add the .pkt file.)Is there anybody he...
3.5.5 packet tracer Host Name unresolved Bookmark | Subscribe | Options 13557 0 5 nmohamma Level 1 Options 09-17-202110:09 AM Hello there . I tried to give ip address for PC0 which and sub and DNS and then i went to PC0 to web...