all you'll need is Flask and, in my case, I needed to use an older version of Werkzeug. Create a requirements.txt file in the same folder as your and Dockerfile, and make sure it matches the screenshot above.
app=Flask(__name__)@app.route('/')defhello_world():return'Hello, World! This is running in Host network mode.'if__name__=='__main__''',port=5000) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 接下来,通过Docker构建一个镜像,并运行容器: # 创建Dockerfileecho"...
通过Docker容器技术构造Python 项目运行环境,在容器内从gitlab中下拉项目且安装依赖包,通过Gunicorn启动Python的wsgi项目。 Docker Docker 是一个开源的应用容器引擎,让开发者可以打包他们的应用以及依赖包到一个可移植的镜像中,然后发布到任何流行的 Linux或Windows 机器上,也可以实现虚拟化。 Nginx Nginx (engine x) ...
Note that I have to run it on network host mode in order to let the inside of the docker to get access to the port of some of the other applications running outside of the docker. The running appears to be successful: * Serving Flask app"server"(lazy loading) * ...
Mount Host Directory Into a Docker Container Using the-vor--volumeFlag It consists of three fields that should always be in the correct order and separated by a colon. These include: The path to the directory on the host machine that we want to mount. ...
在这里,我将使用一个简单的flask应用程序,它说 * 这是一个Hello World应用程序 *,使用下面的代码。
dockerfile: dev.Dockerfile command:"celery worker -A my_app.my_tasks:app -l info"volumes: - ./code:/code links: - rabbit dev.Dockerfile FROM continuumio/miniconda3# Make /backend working directory; flask code lives hereWORKDIR /code# Install from requirements.txt using pipCOP...
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使用带flask的APScheduler运行计划任务(使用mod_wsgi) 使用SharpSvn检查目录是否为外部目录 使用DataViewRowState为DataGridViewCell指定样式 使用javascript为图像指定链接 计划任务python使用IDLE(python GUI) Windows server 2012运行 使用PHPUnit 8.5运行多个目录 ...
$ docker run --name my-container -d -p 8080:8080 lvthillo/python-flask-docker Now visithttp://localhost:8080 The hostname of the container is 6095273a4e9b and its IP is Verify the running container Verify by checking the container ip and hostname (ID): ...