Modify the configuration files for the ports on the RoCE NICs. localhost:~ # cat /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth6 ... PRE_UP_SCRIPT='wicked:/etc/sysconfig/network/if-up.d/' After the host is restarted, run the mlnx_qos -i command to check the PFC of the ...
I am using a Dockerfile with a docker-compose.yml file, and I have created two bind mounts. My understanding is that bind mounts map to the host file system, and that all files on the host filesystem should be visible and usable in the container via the bind mount. But that’s not ...
(strDesktop+"\Foxtest.lnk") oMyShortCut.WindowStyle = 7 &&Minimized 0=Maximized 4=Normal oMyShortcut.IconLocation = home()+"wizards\graphics\builder.ico" oMyShortCut.TargetPath = "c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VFP98\vfp6.exe" oMyShortCut.Arguments = '-c'+'"'+Home(...
Using log files By default, the log is displayed directly on the console, and if you want to save it to the file, you can use the --log parameter. for example, --log proxy.log, The log will be exported to proxy.log file which is easy to troubleshoot. Generating a communication cer...
Flash system files Insert the MKS EMMC module(need an EMMC adapter) or TF card into the card reader, and insert the card reader into the PC Format EMMC module or TF card to FAT32 format before flash system files Unzip the downloaded image file Run balenaEtcher, import the decompressed imag...
Monitor the progress of the rescan task in theWork In Progresstab on the right or from the ESXi host console in the /var/log/vmkernel.log and /var/log/vobd.log log files. Note: The rescan in the vSphere Client, by default, combines the rescan for new LUNs (and removal of retired ...
This command starts a transcript in the Transcript0.txt file in C:\transcripts. NoClobber parameter prevents any existing files from being overwritten. If the Transcript0.txt file already exists, the command fails.Example 3: Start a transcript file with a unique name and store it on a file ...
The directory where those files are installed varies depending on the Windows platform and the browser you are using.Java File Interface modeThis mode is supported on all Host On-Demand client platforms that support host print. In this mode the Host On-Demand client: ...
所以你下载一个hbuilder编辑器,本人创立一个uniapp项目,将紧缩包中的h5.zip解压出来并拖到这个项目进去,然后修正/static/js/common.js中 host和api变量改成本人的域名,然后点击编辑器上方的发行 - 选择网站 然后就能够编译出来了,将编译后的源码上传到效劳器,设置一下伪静态: location / { try_files $uri $...
Again, go to the Run window, type –“c:/programdata” – Go to Hewlett Packard folder, remove any printer related folders & files. Restart your computer. Please click here to download and install the software. Connect the USB cable if prompted and follow the on-screen instructions to co...