1、Hosts File Manager for IIS 7,这是一个IIS 7插件,安装后可以在IIS面板上直接对Host文件进行维护,还可以通过IIS远程管理,下面是我的对GitHub的IP地址维护,可以通过http://ping.eu/ping/查出IP地址。 还有一个IIS 7/8模块http://iishostsmgr.codeplex.com/ 2、Host Profiles这是一个跨平台的支持Windows和U...
TCP/IP for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 does not search the Hosts file directly when performing name resolution. Rather, the entries in the Hosts file are automatically loaded into the DNS client resolver cache. Therefore, the process of resolving a host name with the Hosts file for a ...
Just like in Windows 7, with the file open, you can make the necessary edits. When making these edits, you'll need to ensure that you follow the IP address format then the domain name. For example, we will edit tutorials.hostwinds.com so that it loads from like so: 192.1...
Build a container image with a dockerfile. A dockerfile is a text document that contains all the commands a user could call on the command line to assemble an image. Tools such as Visual Studio build the dockerfile natively for a new application, but you have the ...
storage.file.share.options com.azure.storage.file.share.sas com.azure.storage.file.share com.azure.storage.file.share.specialized com.azure.storage.queue.models com.azure.storage.queue com.azure.storage.queue.sas com.azure.data.tables.models com.azure.data.tables.sas com.azure.data.tables com....
This program demonstrates how to use the Windows Script Host to create a shortcut on the Windows Desktop. In order to run this example, you must have the Windows Script Host installed on your computer. To run one of these examples, copy the code below into a new program file an...
HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings BatchMode: REG_DWORD: 0 DisplayLogo: REG_DWORD: 0 Timeout: REG_DWORD: 0 Now copy the .vbs script file to a virtual directory on the server which has execute/script permissions. By default the /scripts di...
Ensures the appropriate permission levels for the zone of deployment are in place. This topic describes the command line parameters that can be used with PresentationHost.exe. Usage PresentationHost.exe [parameters] uri|filename Parameters ParameterDescription ...
In Windows 8, the Microsoft-provided information (INF) file for WinUSB, Winusb.inf, contains USB\MS_COMP_WINUSB as a device identifier string. This allows Winusb.sys to get automatically loaded as the function driver for those devices that have a matching WinUSB compatible ID in the MS ...
函数使用hostent结构来存储有关给定主机的信息,例如主机名、IPv4 地址等。 应用程序绝不应尝试修改此结构或释放其任何组件。 此外,每个线程只分配主机结构的一个副本,因此,应用程序应在发出任何其他 Windows 套接字 API 调用之前复制它所需的任何信息。