More than 40 years ago, Fungi Perfecti was founded by Paul Stamets to build a bridge between mushroom mycelium and human health. Today, Paul is still at the helm, leading the dedicated teams at Fungi Perfecti and Host Defense, inspiring us every step of
Host Defense 猴头菇素食胶囊采用活性、冻干、有机认证的菌菇菌丝体,保留多种高活性物质,适用于身体质量下降,抵抗力,记忆力降低,肠胃不适,经常腹痛腹泻等人群,每日2粒,可改善神经衰弱,提高记忆力和认知能力;改善消化系统健康,提高食欲;降低胆固醇和甘油三脂含量
although minor, was distinct and attributed to the changes in theLachnospiraceaepopulations and reduced alpha diversity. Cyanocobalamin treatment disrupted the activity of the low-abundance community members of the gut microbiota