In various studies outside the Netherlands, it has been shown that a substantial number of patients suffer from some kind of harm during their treatment in hospital. The incidence of these so-called adverse events varies between 2.9% and 16.6%; it is estimated that between over a quarter and...
(1915). Weezenverpleging bij de Gereformeerden in Nederland tot 1795 (Orphan’s maintenance with the Calvinists in the Netherlands till —). 288 pp. Utrecht. 8°;. Google Scholar B. Hospitals General Wortman, J. L. C. (1915). Het ziekenhuis voorheen en thans. (The hospital past ...
Enterococcus faecium is a commensal of the gastrointestinal tract of animals and humans but also a causative agent of hospital-acquired infections. Resistance against glycopeptides and to vancomycin has motivated the inclusion of E. faecium in the WHO gl
Eijkman-Winkler Institute, University Medical Center Utrecht, Room G04.614, PO Box 85500, 3508 GA Utrecht, The Netherlands, , , , , A. Fluit, J. Verhoef & F. Schmitz Additional information Electronic Publication Rights and permissions Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this articl...
An outbreak of Enterobacter cloacae infections with variable susceptibility to fluoroquinolones occurred in the University Medical Center Utrecht in the Netherlands in 2002. Our investigation showed that a qnrA1 gene was present in 78 (9... APE Al 被引量: 136发表: 2009年 Irreproducible and Uninter...
Up to now, costs attributable to adverse events (AEs) and preventable AEs in the Netherlands were unknown. We assessed the total direct medical costs associated with AEs and preventable AEs in Dutch hospitals to gain insight in opportunities for cost savings. Methods Trained nurses and physicians ...
The centres were located in the Netherlands, Italy, and Israel. Between August 2015 and January 2016, structured interviews were conducted with representatives of the hospitals' medical operations. The interviews focussed on general information regarding the need for MCI preparedness and scenarios that ...
Kieft, R. A. M. M.Stalpers, D.Jansen, A. P. M.Francke, A. L.Delnoij, D. M. J.Dutch Nurses Assoc POB 8212 NL-3503 RE Utrecht NetherlandsHealth policy
The model presented can guide future disaster preparedness activities and research.Verheul, Marlous L. M., IDuckers, Michel L. A.Univ Med Ctr Utrecht Utrecht NetherlandsTrends in Ecology & Evolution
Muns, LauraVUmc University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlandsvan Tuyl, LilianNivel (Netherlands institute for health services research), Utrecht, The NetherlandsWagner, CordulaVUmc University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The NetherlandsBioMed CentralBMC Health Services Research...