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I think that a(n) ___ is one of the most important jobs in the world. ___ people are busy working every day. They don't have much time to relax or do exercise. Many of them are in poor health ___ they don't take care of themselves. I would like to help them get ___ ag...
Instead, he and the other team members not only agreed to help me control what I ate, but went out of their way – I believe they actually went “Stop and Shopping” – to provide me with my own private supply of raw vegetable snacks in the staff refrigerator to eat at any time of ...
ILLINOIS JOB GROWTH NOT HALF BAD -- “The truth about job growth in Illinois,” by Crain’s Greg Hinz: “The state is adding jobs, despite what Trump (and Rauner) say about them moving somewhere else. And it’s doing so a...
It may not be possible to have a significantly different number of shifts in each type-category across different days of the week, although some variation is possible because some staff work part-time. Similarly, there may be constraints on the degree to which shift start times could differ ...
in the discrimination that has shaped who lives where, with how much. It was coiled into the anxiety of “keeping up in America,” as Deus’ coworker Daniel Joseph put it, which for him means working two jobs, one full-time at the Faulkner, one part-time at an assisted living facili...