HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATION IN INDIA.doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(02)37076-4JosephEwartSDOSLancet
Apollo Hospitals is India's leading multispecialty hospital, offering best-in-class treatments for cancer, knee replacements, liver transplants, heart care, neuro care, etc.,
The legacy of Ruby General Hospital is characterized by its commitment to medical excellence, patient care, innovation, community service, and education. These elements have collectively established it as a trusted and esteemed healthcare institution in India ...
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Universal healthcare coverage provides healthcare and financial protection to all citizens and might help to facilitate gender equity in care. We assessed the utilisation of hospital care services among women and men in a large underprivileged population with access to free hospital care in India. Th...
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Felix Hospital takes its name from the Latin word "Felix," which means lucky, happy, and successful. This reflects our commitment to providing top-notch healthcare that ensures our patients are happy and healthy .Established by a group of seasoned physicians and healthcare experts, Felix Hospital...
The state-run hospital in India also offers a one-year post-graduate diploma program that provides education in psycho-social aspects of cancer care as well as training in clinical aspects. The intensive training program for Indonesia features a hybrid learning model that combines online tutorial, ...