Background Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH) is the primary hospital for the state of Tasmania. It is the second oldest hospital in Australia, serving the community since 1804. RHH provides acute, sub-acute, mental health, aged care inpatient and ambulatory se
1. “The Great (Healthy) City” urban design for Paranville Tasmania Australia As the hospital is the anchor and iconic building of the community, it should occupy the most prominent location, as a result it is positioned on the small mountain in the north. It can be seen from a distance...
STAY-at-home ordersHOSPITALSOCCUPATIONAL therapyThe Australian state of Tasmania has seen a spike in Emergency Department presentations in recent years, particularly among the elderly. A novel extended scope occupational therapy (ESOT) service was implemented by the Tasmanian Health ...
School of Health Sciences, University of Tasmania, Launceston, Australia Jane O’Brien Contributions KF, AC, MC, HE, AP, and TP contributed to study concept and design; KH and JO contributed to participant recruitment and/or data collection; KF, AC, MC, and HE contributed to analysis and...
The Spinal Injuries Centre for Victoria has evolved to provide total cover, not only for Victoria but also for Tasmania and the Riverina. Thus the Centre provides facilities for a total of some 4 million people, and this cover extends for a distance of between 300 and 400 miles in all ...
of acute care during the pandemic," says Flinders University Dr. Saxby from hercurrent positionas dietitian and Statewide Paediatric Cystic Fibrosis Coordinator at the Royal Hobart Hospital in Tasmania. "We certainly don't want people with chronic conditions to become victims of the current situation...
In England, a 100-unit increase in ASMR (European Standard population) leads to a 15.3–30.7 (feasible range) unit increase in occupied beds per 1000 deaths. Higher ASMR shows why the Australian states of the Northern Territory and Tasmania have an intrinsic higher bed demand. The USA has a...
It works in the real world simply because death is serving as a proxy for both the nearness to death effect and the wider mortality/morbidity pyramid. The method reflects the known shortage of beds in Tasmania and additionally reveals that the Northern Territory has a unique health care system...