Down East Community Hospital Struggling with Red Ink and Labor RelationsMACHAIS, Maine -- Down East Community Hospital in Machiasfinished its last budget year with...By WalshTom
MACHIAS, Maine -- The father on trial for manslaughter inconnection with the death of his...Harrison, Judy
Years after Patient Dies in Snowstorm outside Machias Hospital, His Family Speaks OutEASTPORT, Maine -- More than eight years have passed since ReidEmery, a 61-year-old patient, was...Billings, Johanna S
HOLD FOR JUDY/TONY OK W/VID Years after Patient Dies in a Snowstorm outside Machias Hospital, His Family Speaks OutEASTPORT, Maine -- More than eight years have passed since ReidEmery, a 61-year-old patient, was...Billings, Johanna S...