Surgery Dentistry Geriatric Visits Cold Laser Therapy Health Certificates In House Diagnostics We will always work with you in a way that will make you understand why our motto is: “For your pet’s health and your peace of mind!”.
was terminated 30 June 1945. Patient census reached that day was 147. The first 4 EM eligible for discharge left for the Zone of Interior. The other scientists studying Tropical Medicine in the area departed for Davao, where they were to continue their research. The hospital started its close...
and a good number of the Hospital’s staff regularly made the journey to the “Windy City” over weekends. However, the period of classroom training and weekend passes was short-lived. In readiness for its impending journey overseas, the unit prepared for bivouacking. ...
A home hospital bed ought to never be crushed into a little territory. There ought to be abundant space on all sides for the bed's moving parts and for guardians to have simple access to the patient. There ought to be access to a grounded electrical outlet. For persistent security and so...