Discover North Carolina Specialty Hospital for special surgery. Our expert team in Durham, NC, offers exceptional care and advanced medical services.
网络外科医院;骨科医院 网络释义
Hospital for special surgerydoi:10.1016/0041-2678(71)90076-5P.S.WalkerSDOSTribology
祝贺D医生获得纽约特种外科医院(Hospital for Special Surgery)的临床观摩邀请信。HSS是康奈尔大学医学院的附属医院,也是美国建院最早的骨科医院。HSS连续14年在US News全美最佳骨科医院排行里居于第一。发布于 2023-08-10 19:57・IP 属地江苏 访学美国 赞同添加评论 分享喜欢收藏申请转载...
Hospital for Special Surgery, a hospital for orthopedics and rheumatology, is an Orthopedic Consultant for this event and is providing these pre-race tips. It has suggested runners to reduce running and strength training and has also advised to know about the protein requirement of the body....
not even go to the doctor-or it's possible your doctor might not recognize it," Anne Bass, a rheumatologist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City, told ( in a 2015 report.A...
Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) originated as the Hospital for the Ruptured and Crippled (R&C) 142 years ago in New York City. As the first and only orthopaedic hospital of its kind in this country, it was located in the residence of its founder James Knight on Second Avenue, south ...
Hospital for Special Surgery's Uniondale location expands with a new physical therapy center, additional MRI suite, and new doctor offices.
纽约特种外科医院HSS(Hospital for Special Surgery)始建于1863年,是美国建院最早的骨科专科医院,是康奈尔大学医学院(Weill Cornell Medical School)的附属医院,连续11年在美国新闻与世界报道(US News & World Report)发布的全美最佳骨科医院榜单中拔得头筹。HSS不光是全球最大的关节置换中心,是人工膝关节置换术的发源...
Activity Measures in Pediatric Athletes: A Comparison of the Hospital for Special Surgery Pediatric Functional Activity Brief Scale and Tegner Activity Lev... Activity Measures in Pediatric Athletes: A Comparison of the Hospital for Special Surgery Pediatric Functional Activity Brief Scale and Tegner Acti...