The new HCFA Forms – UB04 – are guaranteed to be compliant with the most recent CMS regulations. The UB04 claim form is the replacement for the ub 92 medical claim form. Even if submissions were on the UB 92 in the past, all rebilling of medical claims should use the ...
We supply a full line of Medical Forms, Computer Compatible Forms, Health Insurance Claim Forms (CMS1500) and UB92 Hospital Claim Forms for the medical practice.
(For example, just the change from UB-92 to UB-04 claim forms caused months of billing delays for many hospitals.) 21Section 1104: Administrative simplification; Section 1413: Streamlining procedures for enrollment through an exchange and State Medica...
PART 1: THE HOSPITAL BILLING ENVIRONMENT Chapter 1: Introduction to Hospital BillingChapter 2: The Hospital Billing ProcessChapter 3: Hospital InsuranceChapter 4: Medical Coding Basics Chapter 5: Payment Methods and Billing CompliancePART 2: THE UB-04 CLAIM FORM Chapter 6: Overview of the UB-04...