Localização: Picuí, Paraíba, Nordeste, Brasil, América do Sul Ver no OpenStreetMapLatitude-6,51082° ou 6° 30' 39" sul Longitude-36,35139° ou 36° 21' 5" oeste OperadorSistema Único de Saúde Open location code6955FJQX+MC OpenStreetMap IDway 1286636192 Caracter...
Occurrence of Canine Babesiosis on the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Campina Grande, From 2007 to 2008A.R.F. Fernandes
Epidemiological study of patients with facial trauma treat- ed at the Antonio Targino hospital Campina Grande. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol 2009; 75(5): 628-33.CAVALCANTE, Josuel Raimundo et al. Epidemiological study of patients with facial trauma treated at the Antonio Targino Hospital - Campina ...
Objectives: to evaluate the prevalence of muscle fatigue in health professionals at the Hospital de Trauma de Campina Grande who had COVID-19 and to relate the different severity of the disease with this fatigue. Method: cross-sectional, observational, prevalence, ana...
Objective: To determine the prevalence and association of feeding and sucking habits of infants aged 0-24 months treated at the Institute of Health Elpidio de Almeida (ISEA) in the city of Campina Grande, PB, Brazil. Method: A probabilistic sample of 800 mothers answe...