Only for undergraduate students of pharmacy or pharmaceutical sciences under 35 years old. As proof of this, the participant must provide an official document signed and stamped by his/her university certifying that he/she is a full-time undergraduate student studying to complete a bachelor/master...
Little is known about the epidemiology of medication errors and medication-related harm following transition from secondary to primary care. This systemati
Book Review: Hospital Pharmacy, 3rd edJoanne B. BransonAnnals of Pharmacotherapy
The specific objectives are: 1) to define explicit criteria for the content and format of the discharge summary; 2) to develop, out of these criteria, a discharge summary model to transmit relevant information on the GAU patient to the community physician....
Epidemiology and clinical features of community-acquired, healthcare-associated and nosocomial bloodstream infections in tertiary-care and community hospitals. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2010;16(9):1408–13. Article PubMed Google Scholar Baron E, Dunne W, Weinstein M, Weich D, Wilson D, Yagupsky P...
Patients: a patient generally uses the HMS to book appointments with doctors and to check the laboratory test results. A Hospital Management System also helps to speed up the communication and exchange of information between the patient and the hospital staff. Thanks to hospital management software,...
Your best eye hospital in bangalore for Advanced lasik surgery ,cataract surgery ,Retinal Issues, Paediatric Eye Care and other eye problems.
A data collection instrument was used containing the patients' sociodemographic and clinical characteristics and information concerning the antibiotics used during hospital stay. The enumerated record book of patients admitted to the ward was used to obtain the master list of the population for ...
Following on from the very popular first book Nurse Facilitated Hospital Discharge'In these challenging economic times, with change and cost saving being pred..
In the early days, hospital radiopharmacy usually fell under the remit of medical physics and regulation was somewhat informal. An early guideline on preparation of radiopharmaceuticals in hospitals was published by the British Institute of Radiology in