Hospice: The Living Idea/Death and Dying: A Quality of Life (Book).doi:10.1111/1467-9566.ep10488026Lisbeth HockeyNursing Studies Research UnitSociology of Health & Illness
540 -- 2:40 App 1.What is Hospice Care 1501 -- 5:08 App 认识死亡的教育 -- Let's talk about death and dying 145 -- 1:44 App 4.临关怀团队-Meet The Hospice Care Team 365 -- 0:59 App 临终关怀 Chinese Pronunciation Hospice care 375 -- 5:27 App 医学人文英语影视鉴赏——结...
Hospice volunteers must learn how to communicate in situations of death and dying. Their unique experiences illustrate the effect that the experience of death can have on a person's life. Semi-structured interviewing was used to elicit narratives from ten hospice volunteers, and a functional ...
In 2014, approximately 2.6 million people died in the United States, and approximately 55 million people died worldwide. Death is inevitable, but people
Simple acts of kindness.HOSPICE nursesHOSPICE careThe article presents a question and answer about a hospice nurse who seems not to feel gratified when giving good nursing care to dying patients.doi:10.1097/01.nurse.0000312603.60149.4aUfema
Community hospitals attracted more negative comments than hospices, with criticism being directed at problems of communication, lack of nursing staff, and lack of support in bereavement. Carers of hospice patients were significantly more likely to be present at the time of death than those of ...
Dying is a process in our life-course as a person reaches their final stage of life. An expected death may give family members time to grieve and make arrangements, but it is still challenging to cope with knowing a family member is dying....
Suicide; assisted suicide; assisted dying; euthanasia; hospice; palliative care; 机译:自杀;辅助自杀;辅助死亡;安乐死;临终关怀;姑息治疗; 入库时间 2022-08-20 09:50:35 相似文献 外文文献 中文文献 专利 1. Medical Aid in Dying, Hastened Death, and Suicide: A Qualitative Study of Hospice Pro...
Synonyms Carer;Death and dying;End-of-life care;Family caregiving;Hospice care;Informal caregiving;Life-limiting illness;Palliative care;Serious illness;Terminal illness Definition Hospice (SeeEnd-of-life Care) is a type of care designed to promote the quality of life of individuals with life-...
Motivations, Satisfaction, and Fears of Death and Dying in Residential Hospice Volunteers: A Prospective Longitudinal Study.Motivations, Satisfaction, and Fears of Death and Dying in Residential Hospice Volunteers: A Prospective Longitudinal Study.doi:10.1177/1049909114559830fears...