If you choose hospice care near the end of your life, it doesn't mean that you are giving up on all medical care. Instead, it shifts the focus of care to your comfort and well-being. Hospice also helps support your family or other caregivers through the end of your life and the grie...
Let’s not forget that hospice care is an ancient art of service. Families have served as the caregivers for each other since the beginning of time. In fact, the origin of the word family (Latin, “famulus”) means “servant, slave, household.” Doulas (from the Greek, “a woman who...
Summary of time-varying hospice-level and county-level covariates eTable 5. Summary of hospice characteristics eTable 6. Differences in the trajectories of percent new monthly enrollees with ADRD, percent monthly patient census with ADRD, and percent care days provided to patients with ADRD ...
I’ve been working throughout the winter at the hospice, and am enjoying the days getting a bit longer. My private gardening jobs are now getting busier as it warms up. So it is time to stop and put my feet up. I’m hoping that soon I can tell you some exciting news about the ...
This meta-analysis of clinical trials article assesses the effects of palliative care interventions on patient quality of life, symptom burden, and