” which encapsulates hospitality and offers a place of rest and safety for the sick and weary. This notion traces back to 1065 when facilities were established to provide solace and care to the sick and dying as they embarked on their journey to...
Children with life-threatening and terminal illnesses--and their families--require a unique kind of care to meet a wide variety of needs. This book provides an authoritative source for the many people involved in caring for dying children. It draws together contributions from leadingauthorities in...
Improving care of persons as they near the end of life is receiving more attention than ever from the medical profession. The debate on assisted suicide and euthanasia has focused both medical and public attention on dying. Whereas death has often been viewed as an enemy to be fought and abho...
No matter what, you die in pain.Medical professionals who work in hospice are well-versed in relieving the pain associated with dying. Pain management will be adjusted throughout your care and different stages of dying. Hospices only use volunteers for your care.This is a very dangerous myth ...
In ancient China under the patriarchal system of the parents, the elderly in a hegemonic position, their family authority is inviolable, unshakable. when sick or elderly family to the dying stages, the full treatment, given the ethical concern is not only a filial piety, but also the Chinese...
on family members of if the patient has no family. May hospitals have either a hospice unit or a hospice team that visits patients in the advanced stages of disease of any ward. The upside to hospice in a hospital setting is that medical professionals are always on hand should any ...
All her life, Lois Harrison used the gift of her voice to express and share her faith. Singing was very important to her. But, now in the advanced stages of Parkinson’s disease, Lois could no longer speak. It is very important to our care teams that people know their lives have meani...
death. Dying is a profound transition for the individual. As healthcare providers, we become skilled in nursing and medical science, but the care of the dying person encompasses much more. Certain aspects of this care are taking on more importance for patients, families, and healthcare ...
We recently used Brighton Hospice when my mother was nearing end of life. They were fantastic! They made us feel so much more comfortable with the many stages that moved so quickly for mom. They were always available for us and some of them even checked in on their day off! The team ...
SOLACE: The story of a war nurse by Amy Getter Copyright 2011-2017 Souilly, France, 1918 Life had been forever altered by just two brief decisive moments in her recent history. The first was signing her name on the service identification certificate, whi