【Horus Heresy】:灭绝天使(4) Necora261 关注 专栏/游戏/桌游棋牌/【Horus Heresy】:灭绝天使(4) 【Horus Heresy】:灭绝天使(4) 桌游棋牌 1小时前68阅读· 11喜欢· 2评论 Necora261 粉丝:139文章:6 关注自从法尔的大败以来,若是以任何不带仇恨的口吻谈论多恩之子们,都会招致钢铁之主的恐怖报复。若是对别人...
参考自Hours Heresy 4 : Conquest 原文,无说书 “别担心我是来让你们投降的,我可没有这般仁慈的心肠。我过来送达的绝不只是三言两语,而是可怕的战火。” ———阿姆兰男爵(Baron Armelan),战帅特使 随着银河间的血战与骚乱不断发生,如今为我们所知的“黑暗时代”也至此到来了。无数大军在战帅差遣下成为这场惊...
赫拉斯叛亂系列後的延續,全名應該是The Horus Heresy: Siege of Terra,算是重新命名重新編號的系列續作,這系列的劇情主軸會放在赫拉斯叛亂結尾的泰拉之戰,並且會一路邁向眾所皆知的美好 (? 大結局。 據說這系列會出八本長篇小說和數量未知的中篇小說,長篇的第一本是The Solar War, 中篇第一本是Sons of the Selena...
Horus Heresy(共41册),这套丛书还有 《The Primarchs》《Horus Heresy》《Brotherhood of The Storm》《Vulkan Lives》《Legacies of Betrayal》等。 喜欢读"Galaxy in Flames (Horus Heresy)"的人也喜欢 ··· A Thousand Sons 8.6 The Flight of the Eisenstein (Horus... 我来说两句 短评 ··· ...
Horus Heresy is over, Warhammer 40k needs a new civil war 9 months ago New killer robots from Mars enter the Warhammer mini range 9 months ago This tabletop Warhammer game is actually 100% CGI 9 months ago The best Warhammer terrain for any budget 10 months ago Every Space Marine or...
【Horus Heresy】帝皇之子军团在大远征中的三场典型战例 战研所 海德拉 香港城市大学 语言研究硕士 本文译介自Horus Heresy one ,无说书。寂静星防卫战寂静星防卫战是帝国在大远征早期向东部星系挺近时爆发的战斗,这也是帝皇之子早期一场艰险的持久战。战争的爆发地位于达利特星系(Dalini… ...
1: The Horus Heresy Book Two - Massacre, pg. 19 2: Horus Rising (Novel), ch. 7 3: Fulgrim (Novel), ch. 5 4: Horus Heresy Weekender Presentation 2016 5: Deliverance Lost (Novel), ch. 5 6: Angel Exterminatus (Novel), ch. 23 7: Legion (Novel), ch. 10 8: False Gods (Nove...
The Horus Heresy, also known as the Age of Darkness, was the first and most devastating galaxy-spanning civil war in Imperial history. Occurring in early M31 and lasting several years, it divided and nearly destroyed the fledgling Imperium of Man. It marked the end of the Great Crusade and...
False Gods (Horus Heresy) 作者:Graham McNeill 出版社:Pocket Books 副标题:The heresy takes root 页数:406 定价:$7.99 装帧:Pap 丛书:Horus Heresy ISBN:9781844163700 豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 内容简介· ··· The...
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