Horus Heresy7.3 1人评价 Dembski-Bowden, Aaron / 512页 / 57.60元 / 2010-10 在哪儿买这本书? 亚马逊 104.00元起 Horus Heresy的内容简介 Distraught at the judgement of the Emperor, the Word Bearers cast their fury and fervour onto the battlefield. All the while they explore the old ways ...
视频地址: 新版《战锤:荷鲁斯之乱 Warhammer: The Horus Heresy》 预告动画片(中字) 大橙虫 粉丝:3322文章:3 关注截的可以做壁纸的,我感觉吧,没试过,顺序有点乱,见谅(毕竟只是个路人)分享到: 投诉或建议 麻枝准炽焰天穹公测、联动SS免费送! 评论3 最热 最新 请先登录后发表评论 (・ω・) 发布 Friedric...
参考自Hours Heresy 4 : Conquest 原文,无说书 “别担心我是来让你们投降的,我可没有这般仁慈的心肠。我过来送达的绝不只是三言两语,而是可怕的战火。” ———阿姆兰男爵(Baron Armelan),战帅特使 随着银河间的血战与骚乱不断发生,如今为我们所知的“黑暗时代”也至此到来了。无数大军在战帅差遣下成为这场惊...
Horus Heresy(共41册),这套丛书还有 《The Primarchs》《Horus Heresy》《Brotherhood of The Storm》《Vulkan Lives》《Legacies of Betrayal》等。 喜欢读"Galaxy in Flames (Horus Heresy)"的人也喜欢 ··· A Thousand Sons 8.6 The Flight of the Eisenstein (Horus... 我来说两句 短评 ··· ...
Though the Heresy was ignited by the product of a conspiracy by the forces of Chaos, there were precipitating factors that helped push many of the Legio Astartes towards rebellion. The first was the Emperor's return to and seclusion on Terra, working on a secret project that he refused to...
For a complete chronology of the events of the Horus Heresy please see Horus Heresy Chronology "It was treachery at first. To turn against brothers, to kill for personal advancement and power. But we have seen them, how their minds and bodies have been corrupted. Their very belief systems ...
1: The Horus Heresy Book Two - Massacre, pg. 19 2: Horus Rising (Novel), ch. 7 3: Fulgrim (Novel), ch. 5 4: Horus Heresy Weekender Presentation 2016 5: Deliverance Lost (Novel), ch. 5 6: Angel Exterminatus (Novel), ch. 23 7: Legion (Novel), ch. 10 8: False Gods (Nove...
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The Horus Heresy is a collection of novels, novellas, short stories, audio dramas, game books, and artwork created by some of the Black Library's best-known authors and artists. It chronicles the history of the Horus Heresy era which serves as the founda
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