Postharvest waste and loss of horticultural crops exacerbates the agricultural problems facing humankind and will continue to do so in the next decade. Fruits and vegetables provide us with a vast spectrum of healthful nutrients, and along with ornamenta
68 However, improvements need to be made in the area of genomic data analysis, as reduced-representation sequencing has a degree of technical uncertainty that can result in uneven sequencing of samples and consequently missing data issues in GBS analysis. A phenotyped training population developed ...
Fig. 1 SBP domain-specific motifs are conserved in citrus-derived SPLs.aConserved SBP domains in all SPL types derived from a representative memberAegle marmelos. The domain-specific conserved motifs are denoted on the top.bA higher degree of overall sequence conservation within a particular SPL ty...
labeling is that it can afford a high degree of multiplexing (up to 18 plex) since it is able to monitor up to 18 samples in a single analysis (Li et al.2021b). The main disadvantage of MS2-based quantitation is the co-isolation and co-fragmentation of near isobaric labeled ions, whi...
labeling is that it can afford a high degree of multiplexing (up to 18 plex) since it is able to monitor up to 18 samples in a single analysis (Li et al.2021b). The main disadvantage of MS2-based quantitation is the co-isolation and co-fragmentation of near isobaric labeled ions, ...
Biotechnology provides plant breeders an additional tool to improve various traits desired by growers and consumers of horticultural crops. It also provides genetic solutions to major problems affecting horticultural crops and can be a means for rapid im