I make no guarantees about this, mind you. What passed for normalcy just a month ago now suddenly seems lost in a distant golden past — and if I bear weight on the concept of what might happen tomorrow, I can already hear thin ice cracking underfoot. So I’ll react to new events as...
You can check out the video below, which features a couple drinking, lighting fireworks, cliff-diving into water, and (wait for it) getting naked. In case you couldn't tell, it's NSFW-- unless your job is watching videos of two people running around naked (hey, it might be).La...
Del says he will get someone to come and see him tomorrow morning. As the doctor leaves on a motor scooter, Del wisecracks about him not wearing a crash helmet because of his huge turban, which gives Del an idea to invent the Trotter Crash Turban, which is made from a horse riding ...
runningofhiscompanies.请继续吧Please,continue.会议室是隔音的但我们也检查过窃听器了The boardroomis soundproofed,but wealso sweptfor bugs.找到窃听器了吗•没有Did youfindany-No.我们把房hearts;间封锁了在明早之前不会有任何人进出We sealedthe room.No onesgoing inor outuntil tomorrowmorning.你满意吗...