Monty Roberts’ outreach programs currently include: Horse Sense & Healing program is designed for veterans (and first responders) suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – or as we like to call it, PTSI – post traumatic stress injury. Through Join-Up® and other equine-assisted...
I really wanted to give money to an organization that didn’t have time to give me a five minute response about why I wasn’t fit for adoption.
It’s time for me to take my annual blogger break. This will be my last post of 2024. Then, I hope to be back to writing on the first Monday of January 2025. This time of year holds special meaning for me. Sure, the secular decorations and festivities of the Christmas season are f...
Similar to the great buffalo herds’ near extermination, the wild horse and burrow herds began a downward spiral in the second half of the 19thcentury. They fell to the rifles of stockmen who saw them as competitors for valuable cattle forage. They got cut off from their traditional ranges b...
(cohort 2: 9 participants who began the study at Round 2), there was a statistically significant difference in response for the Likert item ‘the stakeholder matrix helped me to apply the harm–benefit analysis to the question’ (p = 0.02), which had decreased disagreement and agreement and ...
Perhaps in this way, the necessity of the saddle was also emphasized as a device enabling the adoption of the best ergonomic position, so important during military skirmishes, as well as decisive for the comfort of traveling on the back of an animal, which, while in motion, cyclically ...
Failing to manage wild herds in Western states, experts say, could have devastating effects on rangelands—and all of the animals that depend on them.