Train? Rain or shine, early mornings, late nights, kids in tow, that’s how bad it has to be. The all consuming drive that keeps you up at night, thinking of ways to work on the maneuver, fix the problem horse, ride the […] Sign Up for Our News Featured Horse Horse Sales: ...
it was important for us to be around and prioritize family. Mark continued to stay active in the horse world with his judging of AQHA, NSBA, APHA, POA & Ranch shows along with taking the kids trail riding on their ponies and giving them lessons...horses and ponies...
All our kids in the contest! Queen Amber Getting ready for the grand entry! Buyer Assurance Our policies and assurances are suited for the benefit or both horse and customer. We take extreme care to match owner to horse. You have one-week to try and make sure the animal is for you. ...
The American miniature horse is a very sweet and kind breed and are also very suitable for kids. They are very versatile and you can show drive, halter, jump, ride (small children) or do horse agility with the Miniature Horse. They are also used as therapy horse in eldery homes and ...
Life is So-ooo-o Good !! CLICK HERE to WATCH AT THE RANCH Hello Friends, Everything is growing here, grass, kids, colts, critters, and weeds !! Lots of chores and long days to try to accomplish it all. I've been working hard at getting the ...
Kids Carousel Carnival Carousel Small Carousel Holiday Carousel New Carousel Vintage Themed Carousel Dinis welcomed child’s merry go round for sale at affordable price Everyone’s childhood is only once, and we all want to have a good childhood. According to scientists, childhood can affect a per...
click for a larger image DANGER!! What Kids and ParentsNeedTo Know About Horses (Voted) The Most Honest Horseman Parents and Grandparents, Do Not put yourself or your kids on a 1000 pound horse without Safety Education How Can A Horse Be Trained Or Ridden Safely By An Untrained Rider?
The kids show cattle all over the nation and are heavily involved in the Junior Angus Association. We are cattle people first with damn good horses. For more information on our history go to our history page.Check out our Facebook Page ...
an open field to alongside a road, to trails, to climbing hills in the woods as well as riding alongside, through and over streams. Combine that experience with kids coming to visit and dogs running alongside on our rides and you'll find our horses to be fairly 'laid back' and friendly...
Horses & Ponies For Sale / Lease Curyll Pretty In Pink Welsh Section B, 12h, Strawberry Roan, Mare (Bur-Dal Lord Solomon x Action's Gold Fire by Cleghorn Galway Piper) Proven Champion and best friend. Earned many year end high point championships in the Walk/Trot-Pre-SS division. ...