The horses' history remembers them as bucking broncos tamed by brave cowboys or a wayward gambler's downfall at the local racetrack. However, their more modern role as companion animals and dressage Olympians has opened the door for more girls... Read More 11 Horse-Themed Ideas for Birthday ...
How do I get my horse to stop bucking? Ok, so a few weeks ago, I was in a lesson with my horse (jumping) and he randomly took off bucking after a jump. He had a few small crow-hops earlier in the ride, but after this or... View details ...
The second morning, we changed things up and brought him into the arena while we were doing a human energetic exercise. People began laughing as they took turns practicing being horses and played with the idea of moving each other around. This horse Tank was so curious about the people laugh...
As the name of the test implies, an unfamiliar person stands completely motionless inside a small arena while the horse is allowed to move freely around the arena. By measuring how close the horse chooses to be, and how much time it spends near the unfamiliar person, we can get an idea ...
And then, without really realizing it, we started recounting our memories together according to which animals were there loving us, bucking us off, running away, getting hurt, growing old and teaching us lessons along the way. “So, I starting hanging around you when you just got that horse...
from his very being. This is the horse who, the first time I rode him, tried to decapitate me by running under the low end of a power pole guy-wire and, once I was off balance from leaning sideways to avoid the wire, started bucking wildly until I flew off. Then he peed on me....
Piper panicked and the driving lines flew out of my hands as he took off running. He galloped around, bucking and kicking out as the lines streamed behind him. Fortunately, his flight distance isn’t very long. He came to a stop and started to graze. I caught up with him, brought ...
Hmmm. Summer isincrediblyshort this year. I'm pretty sure my kid doesn't have time to learn horseback riding. Think I'll sign him up for speed-walking instead. At least then when he falls it will only be a few feet. And theground?Ain't got no bucking button....
One even got loose and he roared around the arena bucking and having himself a good old fashioned wild romp. None of the horses--even the "Wild Man"--phased my River. As the runaway exploded around the arena, River just stood quietly with his ears perked up as if to say, "What's...
When taking the halter off, wait until the animal's head is down and he is calm. This teaches the animal that the halter only comes off when the behavior is calm. Once the animal has become accustomed to the halter, it has to learn to be led. The mistake that many people make is ...