Plaques from Mesopotamia and correspondence between kings 4000 years ago show that horses were being ridden with reins going to a nose ring and riders sitting near the rump—techniques sometimes used today for donkeys. Both techniques probably were first adopted from oxen and donkeys, but they were...
As they grow in size and number, they may coalesce into large plaques of swollen skin. If the outbreak also involves the tissues that line the respiratoty and digestive tracts, there may also be respiratory distress (like a severe asthma attack, with wheezing and an increasingly anxious ...
My horse has had aural plaques since I got her 14 years ago. Just started adding ACV to her feed about a month ago. Plaques have noticeably … After 5 Months Stringhalt gone in my thoroughbred gelding thanks to ACV My thoroughbred gelding managed to get stringhalt and I was told he'...