I am 15 and am wondering what kind of horse-related profession would be good for me. I have been around and riding horses about 11 or 12 years now. At most, I have had 6 years of riding lessons. I have learned to ride western and have a little knowledge on how to drive minis. I...
like for me, you focus on the basics, but I don’t stress the position has to be perfect. I mean, their hills need to be down. They need to be in the right place, but I think you sort of let them in the beginning sort of figure it out and develop their style...
January 2025 MTWTFSS 12345 6789101112 13141516171819 20212223242526 2728293031 « Oct Topics Select Categorycourtney king-dye (43)Dressage (365)Financial Equestrian (2)Gennyral (447)Half-Blind Horse (3)Heart (7)Hill Farm (97)Horse (1,215)Horse Show (249)Horse Television (14)horses in the news...
Hobby Horse Farms Firestone, Colorado This premier equestrian facility offers an 80-horse capacity and exceptional amenities for both riders and horses. It features heated box stalls, Quonsets, loafing sheds, and multiple large paddocks, all surrounded by durable fencing. The property also includes ...
I ended up having 6 wonderful mini worlds with horses, air planes, farms, churches, etc. Depending on where your destination wedding is, you can just bring the miniatures with you and get the moss and jars from wherever you get married and then bring it home as a keepsake to treasure ...