Your First Foal: Horse Breeding for BeginnersKarin Kattwinkel
Arabians are small in stature compared to many riding horses, standing between 14 hands (56 inches) and 16 hands (64 inches) on average. They are fine- to medium-boned and weigh from 800 to 1,000 pounds. Selective breeding has produced more robustly built Arabians, but all share the br...
Our Breeding Shed area will provide you with videos related to equine reproduction, foaling and stallion management. Ask Tom Anything is a featured area where Virtual Horse Help users are able to as Tom their own training, horse care or personal questions and have them answered via video....
The Arabian horse breed goes back many thousands of years. Its arresting beauty and even personality have made it a popular breeding horse during the ages. Arabians have contributed their elegance, spirit and intelligence to almost every light horse breed which exists. In addition, many pony and...
Grade horse—a horse of no particular breeding—is the fancy term for the mutts of the horse world. They differ from crossbreeds because crosses are the result of knownpedigreed horsesthat are intentionally bred. Grade horses may not have a distinguished pedigree, but they can be just as vers...
If you don’t know this yet, selective horse breeding was always a very expensive but lucrative business. Themost expensive horse breedsare known for their intelligence, temperament, and appearance. Prices vary from one breed to the next, but even within their own breed, you can find large ...
The cost of an American Quarter horse can vary tremendously depending on what you plan to use them for. If you want a good, safe family horse, you may spend from $5,000 to $10,000. If you are looking for an elite show horse or breeding prospect, you can spend $50,000 and up. ...
Today, Mustangs are a cross between many differenthorsebreeds, as the original Spanish Mustangs ended up breeding with domesticated horses in the United States. Wild Mustang horses still exist, but since 2000, many have been rounded up and adopted by people like you who want to buy them!
Gelding:A gelding is a male horse who cannot reproduce because he has been gelded, a surgical procedure that removes the testicles and prevents unwanted breeding. If you look underneath an adult horse and see a penis but no testes, you are most likely looking at a gelding. ...
Instructors Kari McClain, Rachel Marie and Nicki Charbonneau offer private lessons and training to riders and horses from beginners to the top level of dressage – Grand Prix. We welcome you to explore our website to learn more about our facility, services, instructors, and breeding program. ...