By the mid-20th cent., writers were combining science fiction and horror in short stories and novels, as in RayBradburyshort stories inDark Carnival(1947) and his novelsThe Martian Chronicles(1950) andFahrenheit 451(1953, films, 1966, 2018). Richard Matheson'sThe Shrinking Man(1956), Jack ...
There are two stories about widows, which speak to Oates’s own experience, I think, after unexpectedly losing her first husband. And I’m glad to have a few short stories on the subject because I haven’t encountered many. In “Great Blue Heron,” a brother-in-law pressures a widow t...
Scariest Horror Movies explained, dark art & poems, scary pictures, original scary stories & horror book reviews at Horror Palace. You have everything to FEAR!
Photo Credit:Jason Leung / Unsplash Pride Month might be over in America, but the celebration of awesomequeer horroris of course year-round. So to keep the horror going, here are five incredible LGBTQ+short storiesyou can read online right now—forfree. Related:7 LGBTQ+ Horror Authors to R...
Long story short, she had set the profile up for her son without his knowledge and was pre-screening potential girlfriends for him! I was out of there in seconds." –Dana, 23 A New Kind of Double Date "Nervous to do try online dating alone, my friend and I signed up together, but...
This new well-edited horror book consists of 12 short stories including “The Angel of Loughborough Junctions”, “The Galilean Manoeuvre” and “American Sexual Lobster”. The core story “Wearing Skin” is about a tale of body swapping touching the mythic question of immortality and sex. The...
Disturbing Rosemary's Baby in southern sauce, "La reliquia" (seen online at the Fantafestival in Rome) is a successful insight into the practices and rituals of southern Italy. The theme is the atmosphere is very interesting and original, but the narrative suffers from the short duration. The...
PAYMENT:$500-1000 (depending on complexity and popularity of the book) Send a link to your online portfolio If I think you’re a good fit for the series I’ll email you back. Leave a comment » ...
Horror novels, short stories, authors, etc. Wolfen: Theory-Book byjinhendricks Today02:21 AM 1,34811,581 Comics(3 Viewing) Scary crazy comic books and graphic novels. ‘Universal Monsters:... byPeter A 03-03-202405:17 AM 3852,854 ...
We can vouch that the following films—classics still terrifying today, modern tales as horrifying as they are original, and foreign fare so spooky you'll be glad you have those subtitles to focus on—leave permanent scars.