2019 Short Film: Ayuda Directed by Patrick Mason Written by Patrick Mason and Raul Serpas Stars Tom Belfry, Caleb Velasquez, David LaMorte, Laura Ruperez Run Time: 11:34 Watch it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9St0pf_4J8 What Happens Two Spanish-speaking men are hired by an… ...
Last week I introduced you to some of my favorite creepy short films on YouTube, perfect for your Halloween party YouTube playlist. (Does anyone do that? If not, you should, because that sounds awesome.) Those films were live action horrors. This week, I bring you the animated fare. Si...
Short Shudder Simon Phillips Tom Paton UK Drama 2018 303 Squadron Australian Film B Movie BFI Comedy Horror Essex boys FrightFest 2021 January 2019 May 2022 October 2022 Pigeon Shrine Reel 2 Reel Films Sean Cronin Steven Berkoff Terror Films Vinnie Jones 2025 Ap...
At this time, it is unknown if Nintendo will sign off on its name and game being used in the movie adaptation or if the game will have to be named something else. Featured still from "Don't Peek" by Julian Terry viaYouTube short horror films Horror video games...
Horror video clips and scary short films from youtube. 1. There Are Monsters There Are Monsters is a short online horror video made in 2008. A married couple are about to host a dinner party. The strange little girl standing in their backyard and the store clerk with the unsettling smile...
when a copy of the film suddenly surfaced from the tumultuous depths of the internet, appearing (of all places) on the popular video-sharing site YouTube.Finally, Brophy’s fluidic vision of the body is available for public consumption....
YOUR SOURCE FOR EVERYTHING HORROR HOME DAMSEL OF THE DOOMED THE BLACK QUARRY SHOP CONTACT US More... Scarah'sTub of Terror Click to Watch! Short Film Halloween Fun! Click to Watch! Do you like horror pop/punk music??? Check out The Immortalz!
All Horror Movie Reviews Latest Horror Book Reviews Never DEAD (Book Review) Never –DEAD has a very interesting origin. Typically, a book will inspire a film or TV program, but here the reverse is true. Never – DEAD was inspired by a short television program screened at the 2016 MystiC...
when a copy of the film suddenly surfaced from the tumultuous depths of the internet, appearing (of all places) on the popular video-sharing site YouTube.Finally, Brophy’s fluidic vision of the body is available for public consumption....
“The Angel” is a short script I wrote back in 2008, one which I never thought would get made, but luckily we got Director Max Jiang and Lauren Smith on board and Produced the film! It’s grim and gross (and an unofficial entry into our “Baby Bear” series) – get ready!