The game presents survival horror in a blend of action-packed combat and puzzle-solving, maintaining the thrill while unfolding an engaging storyline. Its remake remains a testament to the timeless classic, only redefining it with superior graphics and gameplay. Developer: Capcom Development Division...
Hello Neighbordelivers a unique brand of horror, blending elements of stealth and puzzle-solving as players infiltrate their mysterious neighbor's home to uncover his dark secrets. The game features a procedurally generated environment and AI-driven antagonist that adapts to player tactics, ensuring a...
Afterdream is a trippy puzzle game that takes all the iconic hallmarks of classic survival horror games (minus the survival part) and crams them into a cute yet entirely unsettling package. The game makes great use of the camera mechanic to reveal secrets and scares, and while it doesn't ...
First person horror/puzzle; Sequel to Dying: Reborn (2018) Article Gamescom 2021 Gameplay Trailer: Reveal hidden contents Ghosts | PS4 | Release Date TBA (Previously February 22, 2022) Live action horror Kickstarter page PSNProfiles Topic Official Announcement Trailer: Reveal hidden ...
Doorshas quickly become one of the most played horror games on Roblox since its release. The game challenges players to navigate through 100 rooms, each potentially hiding deadly entities. What sets Doors apart is its unique blend of puzzle-solving and horror elements, making it a prime example...
InteractivePCPlatformerPlayStation VitaPoint and ClickPS3PS4PS5PuzzleRed Candle GamesRPGSegaShooterSimulationStrategyStroboskopTango GameworksTarsier StudiosTest3 ProjectsThe Creative AssemblyTurtle Rock StudiosValveValve CorporationValve SoftwareVisceral GamesVisual Novel & DatingWarner Bros. GamesXbox 360Xbox One...
s an entire buffet out there for folks who want nothing more than to soil their best jeans and maybe hug a squish mallow or two after playing some terrifying video games. There are third-person horror games. 2D horror games. Puzzle horror games. Horror games in regular video games–hell,...
We hope that the free online horror games that you can find on our website will bring some spark your peaceful evenings. Have a horror night! Popular New 3D In Russian Blood 💉 Adventure 🔍 Puzzle 💡 Shooter 💣 Slender Man 😱 Momo 😱 Forgotten Hill 😈 Zombie 🧟 First-person...
Phantasmagoria 2: A Puzzle of Flesh Play Now Curtis Craig is a young man who works at a pharmaceutical company who’s beginning to have weird hallucinations. He’s seeing a therapist, but his troubled family life and difficult career (and concerns that his father was murdered by his company...
Combining the bloody action and mystery puzzle aspects of the film franchise, Saw: The Video Game and its sequels, make for a compelling and entertaining video game. Related: Video Games That Would Work Great As A Miniseries 4 Alien Isolation (2014) Creative Assembly, Sega Alien: Isolation...