The movie: J.A. Bayona’s 2007 Spanish-language spookfest The Orphanage is one of those brilliant horror movies that scares the life out of you and breaks your heart in one ghost-child-filled go. Produced by Guillermo Del Toro, it received a rapturous reception when it premiered at the...
A VIOLENT MAN Adventure Altitude Film Entertainment Antonia Campbell-Hughes Artsploitation Films Bigfoot BUFFALO 8 COUNTY LINES Emily Wyatt George Burt Home Invasion Italian horror Jaime Winstone Jamie Bernadette Jamie Crew Kris Johnson Latest Action Movies Lyndsey Craine May...
Horror movies are becoming too complicated, or so certain fans would have us believe. However, in the same year that gave us both the lowest-common-denominator Terrifier 3 and the life-changing Longle... ‘Sleep’ Will Be Frighteningly Familiar to New Parents [Review] Joey Keogh September 30...
Over 4K filmgoers have voted on the 80+ films on Best Teen Horror Movies Of All Time. Current Top 3: Scream, Halloween, A Nightmare on Elm Street
Vote up the movies that have the most horror appeal. Horror fans watch a lot of movies. In an era with seemingly everything available to us at all times, there's plenty to choose from - but that means you can easily tear through your personal horror watchlist and find your...
About Horror Movies | Scary Movies – Can I return my horror DVDs if they don't play right when I purchase them? You are able to return your DVDs if they are unopened and you have a receipt for a full refund. If your horror DVD doesn't play properly after purchase, ...
Director George A. Romero Starring Simon Baker, John Leguizamo Scott’s Review #1,077 Reviewed November 6, 2020 Grade: C+ Land of the Dead (2005) is a post-apocalyptic horror film written and directed by George A. Romero, the fourth of Romero’s six Living Dead movies, preceded by Night...
IMDb Unveils the Most Anticipated Movies and Series of 2025 1/1/2025 by IMDb Editors IMDb News Midseason 2025 TV Schedule: Full List of Network Premiere Dates
The scariest and most influential horror films of the last 100+ years. These are the best scary movies of the genre.
discuss, and review EVERY HORROR MOVIE ON NETFLIX from A to Z. Hidden gems, revered classics, and real-life horrors all await in the depths of the queue. Catch new episodes every other Thursday, join the online discussion, and even keep up with the watch list at home... if you dare...