London Voodoo Sara Stewart, Michael Nyqvist, Sven-Bertil Taube 25 votes This award-winning supernatural thriller tells the story of an American housewife (Sara Stewart) who becomes possessed by the spirit of an Amazonian warrior when she moves to London and uncovers an ancient voodo...
Click hereto watch the video “VOODOO Pre-code HORROR Comics Volume One PART TWO.” Get theVOODOO pre-code comic book seriesincluding volume three from IDW / Yoe Books on SALE NOW. Splash of HORROR Pre-code Golden Age Horror Comics Splash Pages ...
The three remaining stories feature a magic trick turned deadly, voodoo mysticism and a twisted domestic dispute. Released: 1973 Directed by: Roy Ward Baker Also ranks #16 on The 100+ Best Horror Movies Of 1973, Ranked Also ranks #28 on The Best Vampire Movies of the 1970s Also ranks #...
Everyone has heard of classic horror movies from the '30s. That's when we first saw the rise of Dracula, Frankenstein, zombies, etc., and it's when horror ...
Over 100 filmgoers have voted on the 100+ Best Horror Movies Of 1973, Ranked. Current Top 3: The Exorcist, The Wicker Man, The Crazies
Voodoo is the full length debut of Tom Costabile who writes and directs the movie. Due to hit a few select theatres across North America on the 24th of February, it is a low budget, mainly enjoyable and slightly insane movie that offers quite a few moments that will have you open your...
The scariest and most influential horror films of the last 100+ years. These are the best scary movies of the genre.
From "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" to "Get Out," Variety selects the 100 best horror movies of all time.
There have been many weird and wonderful horror movies with voodoo at the forefront of the narrative; The Serpent and the Rainbow and it’s nasty genital mutilation, the once x-rated Angel Heart, classics such as White Zombie from 1932 and yes, even Disney went full voodoo with The ...
October 22, 2020 1:00 AM ‐ Paranormal • Movies • Halloween This article is more than four years old and was last updated in September 2023.Horror movies are almost as old as the medium of film itself. We love them for their jump scares, but also how they reflect our deepest fear...