Notable examples of these spine-chilling tales include Child's Play, a classic in the horror film world, featuring the infamous Chucky, a murderous doll imbued with the spirit of a serial killer. Annabelle: Creation, a prequel to the fabled "Annabelle" movie, delves into the dark origins of...
Thai movie มัจจุราชประกาสิต was released in year 1959. It is a lost movie in Thailand but a sequence of 26 minutes is still available. The sequence is still very colorful. It is an horror movie with a strange style. Main actor is Luechai Nat...
She has to play Min, a lady who was recently killed. Ting visits Min's best close friend Fai. When playing Min, Ting has visions and discover that Fai is the one, who killed Min. Finally the movie stops and all the story was a movie inside the movie. The young lady is called Nong...
The movie: J.A. Bayona’s 2007 Spanish-language spookfest The Orphanage is one of those brilliant horror movies that scares the life out of you and breaks your heart in one ghost-child-filled go. Produced by Guillermo Del Toro, it received a rapturous reception when it premiered at the...
incarnate our sickest, most socially unpalatable fantasies. They are, in what amounts to a particularly delicious irony, a “safe space” in which we can explore these otherwise unfathomable facets of our true selves, while yet consoling ourselves with the knowledge that “it’s only a movie....
In cutting from the clanging bazaars of Iraq to the quiet streets of Georgetown, in blending dizzying dream sequences with starkly believable human drama, Friedkin created a horror movie like no other – both brutal and beautiful, artful and exploitative, exploring wacked-out religious concepts ...
The movie: J.A. Bayona’s 2007 Spanish-language spookfest The Orphanage is one of those brilliant horror movies that scares the life out of you and breaks your heart in one ghost-child-filled go. Produced by Guillermo Del Toro, it received a rapturous reception when it premiered at the...
The story is so threadbare it would have been sent back for a rewrite by Roger Corman, yet that’s part of the film’s aesthetic, because it allows “Suspiria” to be a movie that’s all style, all psychotic-Italian-horror-movie frosting: the sets that still dazzle with their Satan-...
With “Possessor,” Brandon Cronenberg proved that he is fit to follow in his father’s footsteps while establishing a voice that’s uniquely his own. The science-fiction movie follows an assassin who carries out killings by taking over other people’s bodies. But when she finds a subject ...
It’s simply a “giant gator terrorizes a small community” movie, giving this a very 2000s SyFy movie vibe. It opens with a drug bust in the wilderness. A bag of meth falls into the water, and what alligator can resist a bag of meth? He gobbles it down and immediately gets red-...