Newless. Nan finds the town loaded with low-hanging fog and occupied by the reincarnation of an infamous witch burned at the stake in the 17th century. This movie is also known as City of the Dead. Released: 1960 Directed by: John Llewellyn Moxey 24 Asylum Peter Cushing, B...
The setup of writer-director Mickey Reece’sAgnessounds like the typical starting point for a gauntlet of spiritual horror. At the start of the film, the eponymous nun (Hayley McFarland) is seen having a profane and apparently telekinetic outburst over dinner with her fellow sisters, after whic...
This is the third installment in the movie series based on Jack Finney's 1955 novel Invasion of The Body Snatchers. The 1993 film takes place on an army base, where aliens are quietly replacing the humans with clones. The pacing is fast, and there is much more violence and ...
over 200 years ago. While the 1950s saw dozens of giant creature features starring colossal insects and mega monsters mutated by nuclear radiation. The 1970s replaced radiation for pollution and ushered in an amusing era of overgrown Critters with schlock B movie director Bert I Gordon leading th...
Thai movie มัจจุราชประกาสิต was released in year 1959. It is a lost movie in Thailand but a sequence of 26 minutes is still available. The sequence is still very colorful. It is an horror movie with a strange style. Main actor is Luechai Nat...
Another AHS season and *yet again* we're left with NOTHING. Well, half a season; second half apparently returns in 2024 - not that I'll be watching.So, season 12: some nebulous, convoluted BS involving witches, a boring movie star "Rosemary" being gaslit, her equally boring husband, ...
The movie was released on October 4, 1968, when it must have seemed like the world was burning. Audiences used to TV news footage of political assassinations,warin South East Asia, riots in the streets, and police quashing protest with bullets and tear gas didn’t have to make much of ...
Kingdoms, damsels in distress, monsters, and badass warriors have always been a recipe for movie magic. This November the celebrated team from Mahal Empire bring the Horror-Nation their new take on old world lands of mystic horrors. With... Read More Son of Monsterpalooza 2024 by admin | ...
For fans of the classic The Omen from 1976, The First Omen serves as a prequel with a couple of satisfying tie-ins to that great film. I can think of two examples incorporated simply because the filmmakers wanted to please moviegoers watching this film because of the original. ...
Scary Gary points out the usual problem with memoirs. (8) THIS ONE CAN’T KEEP THE DOCTOR AWAY. “Bad apple? How Disney’s Snow White remake turned sour” according to the Guardian. In theory, it must have sounded like a good idea. At least to Hollywood movie studio executives keen ...