Create a Ghost Tunnel Horror Movie Poster Photoshop Tutorial是国外高端PS合成进阶教程【下】的第11集视频,该合集共计60集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
Start Adobe Photoshop and create a document with your desired poster dimensions (File > New). If you are planning to send your work to the printing press, use a high DPI (between 150-300dpi) and CMYK Color Mode (learn more in our guide onpreparing files for print). For this tutorial,...
Multiple translations and audiobooks and mass consumption. I want this serial to be made into a movie or a franchise with TPOD lunch boxes and T-shirts at conventions. I don’t want to return to a day job and a very popular serial without cursing will help me toward that goal. I watch...
I am not a fan ofhorrorand macabre genrebut I must say that for digital artists it is a great inspirational theme. I too have created somedark horrorPhotoshop tutorials for practice. In this collection you will find some of the best updateddark and horror tutorialsavailable on the internet; ...
I'm Max Kaplan.I'm a senior at Ohio University's School of Film in the Honors Tutorial Program, which means I'm an undergrad who gets to study with graduate students and make and defend a thesis film, which will beLOOKER. You may know me from some of my previous award-winning films...
I'm Max Kaplan.I'm a senior at Ohio University's School of Film in the Honors Tutorial Program, which means I'm an undergrad who gets to study with graduate students and make and defend a thesis film, which will beLOOKER. You may know me from some of my previous award-winning films...