Holy Ghost People 49 votes For Fans Of: Drama, Thriller, Cult Reasons to Watch if You're Interested in Cults and Conspiracies: This chilling found-footage thriller follows a young woman (Emma Greenwell) who searches for her missing sister in the Appalachian Mountains, where she encounters...
A Ghost Waits A LOVE STORY FROM THE STREETS A MANCHESTER STORY A SAMURAI IN TIME A WOUNDED FAWN Aaron Dalla Villa Aaron Mirtes Aaron Monaghan Aaron Sidwell Abe Forsythe Abi Casson Thompson Abner Pastoll ACCEPTABLE DAMAGE Activism Adam Collier Adam Driver Adam Egypt Mortimer...
Prepare to be terrified by the best horror movies streaming Netflix, including ‘The Babadook,’‘Compliance,’‘I Know What You Did Last Summer,’ and ‘Pearl.’
A statistically look at 100s of Horror Movies. Stats include box office grosses, reviews and awards. This page is constantly updating!
The scariest and most influential horror films of the last 100+ years. These are the best scary movies of the genre.
Most horror movies treated haunted houses as something to be feared and exorcised but not this comedy. No, this movie understands that when you’ve got a benevolent ghost named Ernest (David Harbour) living in your attic, you turn him into a social media influencer, rack up the likes, and...
Whether you’re looking for a good old slasher, a comedic gorefest, or want to spook yourself silly with a ghost story full of jump scares, we have got you covered. There is truly something for everyone on our list of the platform's genre must-watches. And with 25 films listed, ther...
Summer, summer, summertime, time to sit back and unwind…with some horror movies. Good friend of Bloody Good Horror and co-host of the Dads From the Crypt podcast Jody Webster has compiled the Summer of Scares 2022 Scare-A-Thon. This list of 31 chilling
Bayona’s 2007 Spanish-language spookfest The Orphanage is one of those brilliant horror movies that scares the life out of you and breaks your heart in one ghost-child-filled go. Produced by Guillermo Del Toro, it received a rapturous reception when it premiered at the Cannes Film Festival...
If you relish a hidden gem of horror, you'll treasure this intimate indie ghost story. It all begins on a dark, snowy night when a teen girl (Zelda Adams) goes missing. Her single mother (Toby Poser) is deeply devoted, not only to finding her child but also to manifesting a reckoning...