Fight for your life in this rail shooter experience, facing off against creepy beasts and calculated killers. Play through familiar locations from previous games in the Anthology series, including the World’s Fair Hotel and the dreaded Ghost Ship. Find out more The Walking Dead: Saints and Si...
but the real joy is found in the weird stuff: submarines welded shut in oceans of blood, disgusting moldmen running around body horror dystopias, mods for 20 year old games that give their forebears a run for their money are just a few of my favorites among the best horror games on PC...
From zombies to The Dark Place, the best horror games will leave you wanting more... and wanting to leave the light on at night.
“Mr. Anime” was Trey Sesler, a YouTube reviewer with thousands of subscribers who would share his thoughts on anime, video games, and—more and more as time went on—guns. His show started off normal enough, but as it went on, signs of madness started slipping through the cracks of ...
Here's our list of the best horror games to play on PC, with a bit of action, jump scares, survival and story to choose from.
Now we are digging deeper into some of the greatest survival horror games of all times. Horror stories in nightmares may not seem real, but withAmnesiayou get to see and experience the thrills. You play as Daniel, an Archaeologist who has lost his memory but has only one letter to guide...
3 Creepy REAL Movie Theater Horror Stori... "The Knocking Girl" Creepypast... Bloody Mary Horror Stories Animated 4 TRUE Scary SKINWALKER Horror Stories LATEST HORROR GAMES REVIEWS The Best Horror Game Ever - Outlast From beginning to end, Outlast’s graphics and audio are one of the best...
Over 2K gamers have voted on the 35+ Best PS2 Horror Games. Current Top 3: Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 3, Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly
Want to play new horror games but don't know where to start? Check out this list of the best horror games on Steam and other platforms.
OH HELL YEAH!!! This is a collection of my favorite indie-developed games and experiences. I hope you enjoy every game listed. I personally enjoy every single one of these. - Rufus