Gemini, directed by Shinya Tsukamoto, is one of the most twisted films to come out of J-Horror. The film is loosely based on a story by the famous novelist and literary critic Edoga Ranpo. The film deals with complex themes like betrayal, animalistic carnality, and human relationships set a...
Over 600 filmgoers have voted on the 50+ films on Best English Horror Movies. Current Top 3: The Wicker Man, An American Werewolf in London, Dracula
The Winnie-the-Pooh horror movie proved so successful, its creators are now only only making a sequel, they’re doing a whole cinematic universe of horror films based on beloved children’s fairy tale stories. While they are calling their creation the “Twisted Childhood Universe” they have ...
Over 500 filmgoers have voted on the 30+ films on Best Horror Movies About The Internet. Current Top 3: Unfriended, Searching, Host
especially those with violent tendencies or complex psychological issues. This article dives into the dark psychology behind why real-life killers might find horror films particularly alluring. By analyzing infamous cases, horror movie culture, and psychological research, we’ll uncover how horror’s th...
Films about supernatural beings like ghosts and spirits and movies about spooky places like haunted houses can be very scary as well. The classic horror movie The Haunting is an early example, and more recent examples include The Babadook and 1408 in which a writer of books about haunted ...
My brother likes horror films. He isn't afraid of them. But I don't like it. I like reading comic books. They make me happy. My mother still goes to work She can't stay at home. She is worried about us. Because we can't cook food. When she gets home, she is angry with u... Leave a comment » OUT NOW: “Quicksand House” Posted inabsurdism,Bizarro Books,Bizarro Fiction,Carlton Mellick III,Fiction,horror,surrealismon July 18, 2013...
horror on demand horror podcast horror trivia illustrated sci-fi fantasy indie films indie horror authors indie horror movies books indie sci-fi interviews Mike Lyddon movie reviews pre-code horror comics sci fi horror documentaries sci-fi fantasy movies ...
Horror films routinely topped the box office, yielding (as they always have done) an above-average gross on below-average costs. It seems that audiences wanted a good, group scare as a form of escapism, just as their great-grandparents chose Universal monsters to escape the miseries of the ...