640 The Astounding She-Monster (1957) Robert Clarke & Kenne Duncan 30.0 135 38 00 / 00 10.4 641 When The Bough Breaks (2016) 40.4 94 35 00 / 00 10.4 641 The Frozen Dead (1966) Dana Andrews & Anna Palk 11.3 123 44 00 / 00 10.4 643 The Possession of Hannah Grace (2018) Sha...
Renowned Psychiatrist Dr. Sunny Joseph lives in America. He decides to travel to a town in India after he gets a distress call from his friend, who belongs to a very noble and wealthy family, to counsel and treat a female family member, who he suspects is responsible for a variety of i...
the iconic chainsaw-wielding killer. The story follows a group of friends who venture into the remote Texas town of Harlow, only to encounter the notorious murderer. The film grimly presents themes of survival and the nuanced evolution of evil. The chilling atmosphere and gr...
Why it’s scary: Tony Todd’s titular Candyman lurks in the shadows and the subconscious of the project Cabrini-Green, and his imposing stature and deep lyrical voice catapulted him into modern horror monster cult status. The film is renowned for its beauty and its brutality, with evocative ...
Is it amonster movieor is it a slasher? It fits the “slasher algorithm” perfectly. A naked lady gets eaten first, people don’t heed the warning (close the beaches!) and Jaws the shark eats our characters one at a time, slowly getting closer and closer to our final two dudes. ...
Known for its unsettling atmosphere and horrifying imagery, it tells the tale of a deranged family with a chainsaw-wielding maniac. Its relentless terror and gritty realism create a heart-stopping experience. The sheer rawness and intensity of this film force you to face your deepest fears head...
“After raising an unnervingly talented spider in secret, 12-year-old Charlotte must face the facts about her pet—and fight for her family’s survival—when the once-charming creature rapidly transforms into a giant, flesh-eating monster.” If you're into spider horror, watch the Sting trai...
35 Downright Terrifying Halloween Costume Ideas Alix Earle Talks Us Through Her 2024 Costume 💜 Halloween Party Games for Adults? I’m In This Simone Biles Costume? G.O.A.T-Worthy These Pop Culture Halloween Costumes Are *So* 2024
The Clickers series about monster crabs rampaging the countryside is a pulp horror masterpiece and is considered a cult classic at this point. Jack’s Magic Beans is a reprint of a rare novella from Brian Keene about 95% of the population becoming murderous crazies one day, set in a ...
CHANGELOG (v16.1) Monsters with weapons now have a 100% chance to drop it. CHANGELOG (v16) Added Advancements! (Kill each monster for an XP reward based on difficulty) Added Creature from the Black Lagoon! (only spawns near water) Increased amount of XP earned from each monster Balanced he...