As a female-to-male (F2M)transgenderperson, I have personally experienced cruel mistreatment from prison officers and medical staff. I’ve been in solitary confinement for seven years and counting due to my gender identity, since solitary is standard practice for housing transgender people in Texas...
As I sit in the hospital waiting to be seen, I try to figure out the events that led me here. The blood rushes down my face and my nose and head throb. I am lucky to be alive, and I pray that I will be okay. I am grateful that I left my house when I did. The nurse walk...
This map is a direct recreation of the classic roblox game of the same name "Horrific Housing" by CookieScript On this map the only objective is to survive for as long as possible and be the last one standing among your friends! the map can have a maximum of 12 plates spawned at the...