I'm 17 weeks and for the last three days whenever I eat anything, I get this horrible bitter taste in my mouth. The only things I can bear to eat are really strong flavours: chillies, pickles, crisps etc to drown it out. Vegetables and good things have become inedible. Cooked tomato ...
不用了 朋友 You're all right, mate. 可以祛除肉的异味 It helps takes away the taste of the meat, as well. 好的 各位 时间到 OK, everybody, time's up. 历史版厨艺大♥师♥ 在我试吃之前 Now, before I eat this 请告诉我这不是马肉 please tell me it's not horse meat. ...
Do you mean to tell me that some of the meat in there 已经炖了几个星期 has been stewing away for weeks? 不 有几个月了 No, no. Months. 约翰 给我点水 我得把这味道冲走 John, get me some water to get the taste out. 可以给我们点水吗 ...
它是古埃及的牙齿护理革新技术 A revolution in tooth care direct from ancient Egypt. 使用起来很方便 Its so easy to use. 只需拿出一只活老鼠 劈成两半 Just take one live mouse, chop it in half 趁热放入嘴中 and pop it into your mouth while its still lovely and warm. 埃及人 真的 这么干 ...