Charlie Day beams you up with his clumsiness and keeps the humour alive. All of them are really funny. What makes Bateman unique is that he is the only sane person in the group trying to jack-hammer some sense into his moronic buddies whilst Jason and Charlie keep driving into the inane...
Of course not, but man it’s usually pretty funny. 8. Cultural Racism Worst offenders: Old People Many old people love to speak their mind in public and are consequently HUGE racists. It’s like they reached a certain age and just decided one day to take their social filter into t...
I am particularly entertained by Spitting Cobra--he is laugh-out-loud funny. The latest thing I am noticing is how disconnected the threads are that deal with this topic. I actually had trouble finding this thread when I started with the index or tried to do it via tag. So ...
Networking feeling a little “me, me, me?” Empower yourself to flip the script and make it about someone else. In other words, you’ve probably heard the advice that if a connection helps you out, you should ask how you canreturn the favor. But if that makes you feel funny, put...