Of course. 国王悬赏三万要我的人头 Now, the King has put a 30,000 price on my head, so 要把我送去斯凯岛 the challenge is going to be getting me 就难在途中不被认出 to Skye without being spotted. 别担心 我有办法 Dont you worry, I have everything we need. 太好了 谢谢 Oh, great...
A.chapterB.ceremonyC.chamberDchallenge 26.Apoliticalandeconomicsituationisveryimportant forthedevelopmentofanycountry. A.stainB.stableC.peacefulD.pink 27.Thefinancialsupportisdecidednotonlyaccordingtoyour GREscore,butalsoaccordingtoyourincollege. A.performanceB.policyC.smartD.statement 28.TheWorldTradeCenter...