在《亨利八世》表演期间 During a performance of the play, Henry VIII, 《亨利八世》今晚上演 他们鸣炮 宣告国王驾到 they used a canon to announce the arrival of the king, 却点燃了茅草屋顶 which set fire to the thatched roof, 整座环球剧院付之一炬 and the whole Globe burnt down. 好吧 你...
This is one of the greatest frauds in human history. Further, notice that Benedict XVI even admits that Paul VI’s ecumenical gestures with the schismatics were meant to show precisely that the schismatics don’t have to accept the Papal Primacy. This is a blatant denial of Vatican Council...
(rather classy) quick-change costumes and a magic folding prop-box as castle, prison or tumbril. There is the inevitable delight in beheading, bum-wiping (Henry VIII”s Groom of the Stool), and any war which turned out to be pointless: some good jokes about William Wallace and the ...
一曲* *Every word is a lie so I'm singing this song 历史书中有误 且听我慢慢道来* *Cos the history books have been telling it wrong 跛足为假 身形挺拔* *Never had a limp walked my full height 不瘸 好身形 没有驼背 驼背为杜撰 我手臂康健* *Never had a hump and my arm was all ...