惊慌失措 人们都支持玛丽·都铎作为合法女王 As the people support Mary Tudor as their rightful queen 而你的支持者为了保全性命都抛弃了你 and all your supporters desert you to save their own skins. [字面意思是拯救皮肤] 你的皮可救不了 反正早掉光了 Too late for yours, its all peeled off ...
贵族们真的想像国王那样做臀部手术 糟糕历史健康指导 都铎时期 Horrible Histories Health Direct, Tudor era. 把你剩下的头发全都剃了吧 OK, so shave whats left of your hair off, 然后在你头上涂上狐狸油脂 then smear your head with fox grease, 可以再加点蒜 and maybe a hint of garlic. 然后用醋...