绘本《Horrible Histories:Rotten Romans》,Scholastic 绘本内容 对应大受欢迎的由BBC出品的《糟糕历史(Horrible Histories)之儿童书版。有趣好玩的故事以喜剧的视角向您和您的孩子展示历史上很囧的一面:古希腊、古罗马、阿兹台克、印加、世界大战以及英国历史上的各个王朝~总之一句话,“外表荒诞无节操,内心高洁学问高...
*HorribleHistories.* 《糟糕历史》为你呈现 HorribleHistoriespresents... 狂野歌♥曲 马桶堵塞严重跳蚤上蹿下跳 Thetoiletsareoverflowing,thefleasarejumping 尖叫乐队正要登上鼠台表演 andtheSqueakendareabouttoplayontheratstage, 这里是可能像大号♥一样臭但却最厉害的 ...
哈德良大帝想要建一堵防御墙 You see Emperor Hadrian wants a nice new defensive wall stretching 从泰恩河到索尔威湾横穿不列颠 right across the country from the Tyne to the Firth 以标明罗马帝国的北部边境 to mark the northern edge of the Roman Empire, since you ask. 哈德良大帝确实下过这个命令 ...
Augustus, he rebuilt a city and founded an empire. 陛下 凭借您的领导才能 Sire, through your leadership 我们消灭了敌人 好棒 we have destroyed the enemy. Yeah. 不完全是他的领导才能吧 明明是我... Well, it wasn't really his leadership. I mean I, 算了 继续吧 you know what, ...
Horrible Histories《糟糕历史(2009)》第七季第十三集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,*恐怖都铎 华丽乔治* *Terrible Tudors, gorgeous Georgians* *卑劣斯图亚特 邪恶维多利亚* *Slimy Stuarts, vile Victorians* *悲惨战役 凶残争斗* *Woeful wars, ferocious fights* *昏暗古
Horrible Histories is a series of illustrated history books published in the United Kingdom by Scholastic, and part of the Horrible Histories franchise. The
Discover all the foul facts about the Barmy British Empire - all the gore and more in horrible histories collection. 18. Frighteul First World War It's history with the nasty bits left in! Want to know: What the 'Fat King' did with food scraps and dead horses? How sniffing your own ...
*HorribleHistories.* 《糟糕历史》为你呈现 HorribleHistoriespresents... 杰出的探险家 从很久很久以前 Sincethedawnoftime, 探险家 人类刚踏出非洲开始 whenhumankindfirstsetfootoutsideAfrica, 我们就始终渴求新的土地和冒险 wehavethirstedfornewlandsandnewadventures. 欧洲五万年前 你以前来过这吗 Haveyoueverbeen...
你是诺克索斯 You are a Noxius, 一个在竞技场与人搏斗的罗马犯人 a Roman criminal condemned to fight in the Roman arena. 一号hearts;玩家 选择对手 角斗士盖乌斯 Player one, select opponent. Gaius the Gladiator selected. 等等等等一下 暂停一下 Woah, woah, woah. Time out. 我知道我只是个犯人...
Horrible Histories《糟糕历史(2009)》第六季第五集完整中英文对照剧本 热度: Horrible Histories《糟糕历史(2009)》第一季第一集完整中英文对照剧本 热度: 《亢奋》第一季第五集完整中英文对照剧本 热度: *恐怖都铎华丽乔治* *TerribleTudors,gorgeousGeorgians ...