Horrible Histories: Terrible Tudors Listeners can discover all the foul facts about the Terrible Tudors on this audiobook, including why Henry VIII thought he'd married a horse, which shocking swear words they simply loved to say and how an awful Tudor axeman kept botching the job. These best...
说起给孩子读的历史书,最近这一二十年里,没有比英国人Terry Deary写的Horrible Histories( 《可怕的历史》)在世界上更有名了。这个系列最早的一本是1993年出版的,写的是英国历史上“八卦”最丰富的多铎时代(Tudors)的那些事儿。打个比方,当时这本书带来的影响相当于咱们这里的《明朝那些事儿》- 英国人和咱们一...
The Vile Victorians WANT TO KNOW:How to tell the future with a dead chicken?What Roman soldieers wore under their kilts?How ancient Britons got their hair nice and spiky?Discover all the foul facts about the ROTTEN ROMANS-all the gore and more!
All about terrible Tudor torture? Which shocking swear words the Tudors used? Discover all the foul facts about the Terrible Tudors - all the gore and more in horrible histories collection. 13. Slimy Stuarts The Stuarts. They don't sound very terrible, do they? They sound almost like your ...
Facts, myths, names, dates about the world’s greatest civilization were interspersed between the comedic routine which has made the Horrible Histories franchise such a wildly popular one. To their credit, besides all the laughter, we DID learn a thing or two stepping away from the show when...
he thanks unusual questions and he use to refer to a lot of historical facts. He alternates large and intricate sentences with long pauses and phrases left in the air. But he controls much what he says in order not to reveal any unresolved clue he had left in the books. Nonetheless, he...
* *We gave you all the fearsome facts* *真♥相♥丑陋 不加修饰* *The ugly truth, no glam or glitz* *原汁原味给你看* *We showed you all the juicy bits* *血腥 糟糕 残忍♥ 卑鄙* *Gory, ghastly, mean and cruel* *学校不会告诉你* *Stuff they don't teach you at...
夸张故事 残暴行为* *Tall tales, atrocious acts, 我们有最吓人的真hearts;相hearts;* *we gave you all the fearsome facts 真hearts;相hearts;丑陋 不加修饰* *The ugly truth, no glam or glitz, 想与我一起穿梭时光下水道吗 Want to travel through the time sewers with me? 那就玩糟糕历史寻宝...
most of them children, that they will 'Learn, see, smell and hear about the First World War through frightful facts, ropey rhymes, sad songs and sinister superstitions in a great day out.' It follows the successful Frightful First World War exhibition that took place at Imperial War Museum ...